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CBS SF Bay Area

Marin County Deputies Put Fawn In Patrol Car For Safety

MILL VALLEY (CBS SF) — Marin County Sheriff’s deputies in had an unusual encounter with a baby deer this past weekend when they had to briefly put the fawn into their patrol car.

The deputies responded to reports of a baby deer in the roadway near the intersection of Marin Avenue and Marin Drive in Mill Valley on Saturday. Neighbors in the area were trying to hold back traffic so the baby could be reunited with the mother deer nearby.

Deputies were attempting to herd the baby towards the mother when one of the deputies decided it might be easiest to simply pick the fawn up and put it in their patrol car for safety.

One of the deputies took video of the baby deer as it explored the vehicle before it clumsily climbed over a seat and hopped out.

“This is what happens when tiny little baby deer get stuck behind your patrol car seat,” Sheriff’s Sgt. Michael Brovelli is heard saying as he and his partner tried to coax the deer out.

Deputies were able to take the baby deer and bring it to the mother deer nearby. After reuniting, the two deer ran into the woods together.

KPIX 5 on Monday talked to Brovelli about the peculiar encounter.

“She [his partner] didn’t want it to be hit by a car, so she put it in the car. It seemed happy. Seemed happy in the car and it was behind the driver’s seat, and just kinda jumped in the middle and jumped into the passenger seat, and out the door,” said Sheriff’s Sgt. Michael Brovelli.

Lisa Bloch, a representative for the animal rescue group Marin Humane, told KPIX 5 these encounters are not rare in the Bay Area.

“There’s quite a few deer in the Bay Area, especially in Marin County. It’s fawn season,” said Bloch.

Bloch explained that deer have learned there are very few predators in suburban areas, so that’s where they like to hang out.

“A lot of times, as people, we want to help. You know, it’s almost always best to leave wildlife alone,” said Bloch.

In the case of the deputies, the direct interaction with the fawn seemed to work out OK.

“Picked her up again, brought the baby closer to the mom, and they walked away,” said Brovelli. “Happy ending!”

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